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Multibase is
Google Analytics for Web3

Multibase allows Web3 teams to connect and query their users' onchain and offchain data to help them better understand and grow their user base

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Trusted by the best teams ever
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Your single control panel

Teams can query their product engagement, track user attribution, segment their user's data, monitor marketing campaign success, and much more.


Build your app's control panel

Monitor all of your top KPIs in one succinct dashboard.

Connect offchain data

Connect offchain and onchain users

Tie a user's website session to their on-chain address, giving you a complete picture of the user journey.

Make analytics our job so it doesn't have to be yours

Teams can query their product engagement, track user attribution, segment their user's data, monitor marketing campaign success, and much more.

Events chart


Visualize, measure, and track user activity, events, and transactions over time

Retention chart


Measure how sticky your product is with different cohorts of users. See how the retention of your contract compares to your competitors

Composition chart


Segment your users based on on chain and off chain characteristics

Funnel chart


Track conversion rates between any off and on chain event. Identify which campaigns convert on chain the best and bring in the most valuable users

Pathfinder chart


Map user behavior to identify common user journeys and where users drop off

Unify web2 and web3 dimensions

Multibase is the first platform to seamlessly integrate off-chain product interaction data with on-chain activity, providing Web3 companies with a holistic understanding of their user base.

Track marketing

Identify which campaigns are converting the most onchain users

Measure engagement

Analyze the relationship between product usage and onchain activity

Build audiences

Segment your user base to create target user personas

Data export

Download and export all data to CSV or JSON

Balance tracking

Track user balance in real-time to reveal shifts in spending power

Full history

Look at a user's entire onchain history beyond your contract/chain

Ready to get started?

Join dozens of Web3 companies who are already leveraging Multibase for onchain data analytics. Click the button below to start analyzing your onchain users.

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